Menakar Alternatif Sumber Bantuan Likuiditas KSPPS Berbasis Grameen


  • Raja Mohammad Zamzami Universitas Pamulang



IMFI, islamic microfinance, Grameen, liquidity, ANP


The purpose of this study is to develop and measure various alternative liquidity assistance model policies that can provide solutions to the Grameen-based KSPPS liquidity problems. To describe the problems of Grameen-based KSPPS liquidity policies, the researcher uses the Analytic Network Process (ANP) methodology. ANP begins with the decomposition of problems through interviews and literature studies with the aim of exploring data sources and for the purposes of preparing the ANP model framework. The next step is followed by filling out a comparison questionnaire to get the choice of the most prioritized liquidity sources. The results of our research show that the revolving fund program and soft loans from the government are the source of liquidity with the main preference when it comes to the need for fund allocation. Meanwhile, when viewed from the variable consideration of the revolving fund program, it is the main priority. We also found that the crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic greatly affected the liquidity problems of LKMS. Finally, this study also reveals that competition with PNM Mekar, which is a state-owned enterprise, was a major problem both before and after the Covid-19 crisis.


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