Analisa Market Basket Menggunakan Algoritma Apriori untuk Strategi Penjualan Berdasarkan Customer Focus


  • Rinna Rachmatika Universitas Pamulang


Customer focus, Strategy, Data Mining, Apriori Algorithm


Strategy with customer focus is a marketing strategy implemented by the company in order to serve consumers better. Companies can define the consumers to be served so as to understand the needs, wants and expectations of consumers. Market basket analysis is an important component of system analysis in retail organizations to determine the placement of goods, designing sales promotions for different segments of customers to improve customer satisfaction and profitability. This study uses the method of Data Mining and Algorithm commonly used in the process of searching itemsets (data most often appear) is Apriori. The results of this analysis can help companies in making rules to determine sales strategy based on customer focus, where the rules can be with the highest confidence value of 100% then the tendency of consumers in the purchase of an item based on the way of placement or search for consumers interested to buy other items can done by placing items with the highest confidence value adjacent or can be done a promotion to increase sales turnover.

