
  • M. Adil Muktafa Student of Law Magister of Pamulang University
  • Bachtiar Bachtiar Lecturer of Law Magister of Pamulang University
  • Belly Isnaeni Lecturer of Law Magister of Pamulang University


Vote Counting, Elections, Parties, Presidentialism


Post-amendment Indonesia implemented a presidentialism system as a government system, the implementation of this presidentialism system together with a multi-party system that tends to hamper the effectiveness of the government. Efforts to simplify the party system can be carried out through the general election system, one of which is the renewal of the vote counting system in the legislative general election in Indonesia. The research method that the author uses in writing this thesis is a normative approach, namely legal research that examines written law from the theoretical, historical, philosophical, comparative aspects and compares them with applied aspects and their implications in state administration in Indonesia. Then this research is descriptive analytic, which is a research that tries to describe the data and then analyzes the collected data using constitutional democracy theory as a basic theory, general election theory as an intermediate theory, and presidentialism theory as an applied theory. The application of the vote counting method in the legislative general election in Indonesia tends to provide opportunities for small parties to gain seats in parliament and make the party system pragmentation bigger. This has an impact on the polarization of political parties in parliament which causes the president or the presidential party to form coalitions with many parties and results in the presidentialism system not working properly. The renewal of the vote counting method in the legislative general election seeks to reduce the number of political parties in parliament and create an effective presidentialism system in Indonesia.


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