Pendampingan E-Learning Melalui E-Book Creator Dalam Optimalisasi Blended Learning Pada SMAN 1 Ciniru Kuningan


  • Jerry Dounald Rahajaan Kuningan University, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
  • Rika Nugraha Kuningan University, Jawa Barat, Indonesia



Blended Learning, E-Book Creator, SMAN 1 Ciniru


Efforts to collaborate with FKOM-UNIKU, in improving the ability to teach teachers online in the field of teaching content and mastery of digital technology using the blended learning method as a combination of e-learning. The use of e-learning in the world of education today is to provide flexibility in choosing the time and place to access e-learning, giving students the opportunity to independently control the success of learning, so that a complete collaboration is needed to make it happen. As a concrete step, the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Kuningan, tries to respond to the needs of the community (SMA Negeri 1 Ciniru Kuningan) for the importance of developing blended learning-based teaching methods by conducting Community Service with the activity title "E-Learning Assistance through E-Book Creator in Blended Optimization Learning at SMA 1 Negeri Ciniru Kuningan. Referring to the background of the existing problems, problem solving is needed for the purpose of this activity are: Understanding of learning concepts and blended learning methods at SMA Negeri 1 Ciniru Kuningan, and to improve teacher abilities both in terms of content and use of technology, which include: Online and Offline. The implementation method is carried out in groups, considering the limited time for implementation with the level of achievement of understanding of e-learning based material for teaching materials. Participants who were attended by SMA 1 Ciniru Kuningan teachers totaled 15 people with individual results having an account for the database for storing student teaching materials. The final result of this PKM certainly helps teachers more effectively regarding technology-based teaching materials through the E-Book Creator application.

Author Biography

Rika Nugraha, Kuningan University, Jawa Barat, Indonesia



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