
  • Fithri wulandari Universitas Cendekia Abditama
  • Putri Tahta Alfina Universitas Cendekia Abditama
  • Nur Jamaludin Universitas Cendekia Abditama
  • Iti septi Universitas Cendekia Abditama
  • Sudrajat Sudrajat Universitas Cendekia Abditama


This study aims to determine the shortcomings of Tokopedia as an online store that is commonly used by consumers. This study uses a qualitative method. primary and secondary data. Primary data, namely data obtained from offices and agencies related in a ready-made form or available as research-related references. Secondary data used by researchers is from the results of literature, references, journals, articles, magazines, the internet, and other documents related to the research. The results of the study are in order to evaluate and improve the sales system at online stores One of the drawbacks is in terms of timeliness in conveying the information conveyed on the website. This situation causes a lack of interest from consumers to use and shop on the Tokopedia website. Even though the website plays a very important role because, with big data and technical strategies, e-commerce is able to classify data based on keywords so that every activity on the e-commerce website is recorded in the database.


Keywords: Big data, e-commerce, business strategy


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