
  • Nur F Agustiani STIE SUTAATMADJA
  • Bismantara Suryono STIE SUTAATMADJA
  • Kuncorosidi Kuncorosidi STIE SUTAATMADJA


Growth rate of beauty products company that innovates, is increasing product sales with marketing strategies, including by promoting using Celebrity Endorses, and Online Customer Reviews. This research focus on Ms. Glow product which is widely used by Indonesian consumers specifically Subang Regency. This study aims to analyze how the influence of Celebrity Endorse, and Online Customer Review on consumer purchasing decisions on Ms. Glow in Subang Regency.

The method used in this research is descriptive and verification types of research. The population in this study are consumers who use Ms. Glow in Subang Regency. The sampling technique used is the probability sampling technique with the Stratified random sampling method. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to 120 respondents from 30 Subang subdistrict.

The results of this study indicate that Celebrity Endorse, and Online Customer Reviews have an effect on purchasing decisions. So, it is expected that the MS company. Glow to always be able to improve the quality of Celebrity Endorsement and pay more attention to the use of Online Customer Reviews to be able to improve purchasing decisions. Suggestions for further researchers are expected to add variables and develop research and use different research methods so that research results are more varied.


Keywords: Celebrity endorse, Online customer review, and Purchase decision


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