The Effect of Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) on Students' Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text at MTS Sultan Hasanuddin Rangkas Bitung


  • Erik Saputra Universitas Pamulang


This study focuses on the effect of teaching reading using collaborative strategic reading. This study uses the Students Team Achievement Division (Group) learning collaboarive strategic . The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is a development of students' reading ability after teachers teach using collaborative strategic.  This study uses pre-experimental research.  The population used for this study were students of MTS Sultan Hasanuddin located on Jl. Raya Muncang Kp, Pal 4 Jalupang Mulya.  Raya Rt 02/ Rw 04, Jalupang Mulya, Lewidamar District, Lebak City, Banten 42362 .  The sample in this study were 11 grade 8 students of MTS Sultan Hasanuddin who were heterogeneous because they had different levels of education.  Instruments in collecting data using a reading test.  The author carried out pre-test and post-test and data analysis using the t-test collaborative stategic reading has improved students' reading abilities in heterogeneous students, especially when the 8th grade students are taught using the strategic collaborative reading.


