The Efforts to Fulfill Restorative Justice toward Notaries In the Criminal Justice System
Notary authority is regulated in, namely making authentic deeds and other authorities as referred to in the Law on Notary Positions. Notaries who have carried out their duties in accordance with the legal corridor, in some cases are designated as suspects or defendants. The potential for criminalization may occur if an authentic deed that reflects the will of the interested parties to ensure their rights and obligations for the realization of certainty, order and legal protection for those concerned is deemed problematic. The steps taken by the Notary against the criminal snares he faces are to seek legal justice, although restorative justice should be put forward within the framework of the limitations that a Notary can be sentenced to.. The research approach model used is a normative juridical approach, namely an attempt to approach legal issues to be investigated with a normative legal nature. In this study, the problem raised is how to understand the essence of restorative justice that can be implemented in the notary world and how to fulfill restorative justice for notaries who are entangled in criminal cases. The results of this study are: the essence of restorative justice in the world of notary, making the perpetrators responsible for correcting mistakes, as well as providing opportunities for perpetrators to prove the capacity and quality of the Notary as a public official who has the authority to make authentic deeds, bears the title officium nobile, in addition to preventive measures. through supervision and guidance by the Notary Supervisory Council so that between the implementation of the duties of the position an integral conformity is achieved between the UUJN and the Notary Code of Ethics.
Keywords: Restorative Justice, Notary, Criminal Justice System
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