Criminal Liability For Disseminating Electronic Information Containing Violation Of Decency In The Perspective Of Justice
Baiq Nuril was charged with distributing recordings of decency-containing telephone conversations, but he was acquitted by the Mataram District Court because he was not proven to have violated the article he was charged with. The Prosecutor's Office then filed an appeal, and the Supreme Court found Baiq Nuril guilty in its decision. The decision sparked a backlash, with many believing that Baiq Nuril was a victim of sexual harassment by his superiors, and that he should be protected rather than punished. As a result of the cassation decision, the public now considers law enforcement in this country for the poor to be extremely unfair. For this reason, this thesis discusses several issues related to the case and decision, which can be formulated by how the Panel of Judges considers in imposition of criminal liability for perpetrators of distributing electronic information that has been charged with violating decency in the decision Number 574 K/Pid.Sus/2018 and the form of criminal responsibility for perpetrators of distributing electronic information that has been charged with violating decency? The study's findings indicate that the Mataram District Court Judges actually blamed Baiq Nuril’s actions on Haji Imam Mudawin during their deliberations. The decision was later reversed and strengthened at the review level by a cassation panel of judges, which stated in one of its considerations that Baiq Nuril’s actions resulted in moral losses to Muslims and their families, as well as Landriati's family. Baiq Nuril’s sentencing is primarily intended to protect the honor of Muslims and Landriati as Indonesian citizens, which includes ensuring justice for those harmed by Baiq Nuril's acts.
Keywords : Criminal Liability, Disseminating, Electronik InformationReferences
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