The Lost Of Citizenship Rights And Own Land Rights For Perperators Of Mixed Marriages And Limited Dual Citizenship Children


  • Dian Andriani Universitas Pamulang


This research discusses the loss of citizenship rights and also ownership of land rights in Indonesia for mixed marriages and limited Dual Citizenship children, according to Law Number 05 of 1960 concerning Agrarian Principles (UUPA) linked to Law Number 12 of 2006 Regarding Citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia. This study also aims to describe and analyze the regulation of rights that are lost, nullified or limited by legislation on ownership of land rights and citizenship rights regulated in Indonesian laws and regulations which seem half-hearted to provide legal protection for legal subjects perpetrators mixed marriages and for limited dual citizenship children, who should still be treated as Indonesian citizens unless he relinquishes his rights and chooses another citizenship.

Keywords :  The Lost Of Citizenship Rights And Land Ownership Rights


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Dian Andriani, Lex Specialist Journal Vol 1 No 1 Year 2021

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