The Application of the Marriage Agreement After the Decision of the Constitutional Court Num: 69/PUU-XIII/2015 About the Ratification of the Deed of Agreement Marriage By Notary
A marriage agreement can only be made at the time or before the marriage takes place but after the issuance of the Constitutional Court decision, Article 29 of the Marriage Law paragraph (1) adds the phrase "while in the marriage bond", resulting in the making of the marriage agreement no longer having to be done before or during the day. a marriage is carried out, but a married couple can make a marriage agreement as long as the marriage bond is in progress. Then in paragraph (1) there is also the addition of the phrase "a written agreement legalized by a marriage registrar or a notary public". Prior to this decision, the marriage registrar employee could ratify the marriage agreement. After the Constitutional Court decision, the Notary is given the authority to ratify the marriage agreement as stated in the Constitutional Court Ruling. ". The research used is juridical empirical research where the data collection is done by direct interviews with notaries, academics, advocates and the public. The results showed that the Constitutional Court Decision No. 69 / PUU-XIII / 2015 has expanded the scope of the principle of freedom of contract.
Keywords: Marriage Agreement, Constitutional Court Decision, Notary
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