The Application of Restorative Justice in Cases of Domestic Violence in Makassar: Studies at the Makassar Polrestabes


  • Askari Razak Indonesian Muslim University, Makasar
  • Abdul Wahab Indonesian Muslim University, Makasar



The research aims to analyze the application of restorative justice to cases of domestic violence at the Makassar Polrestabes; and obstacles by the Makassar Polrestabes. This research is empirical legal research (non-doctrinal). The results of this study indicate that: The application of the principle of restorative justice carried out by the Makassar Polrestabes is part of the Alternative Dispute Resolution or ADR, which among other things goes through the peace process, stopping the investigation because an agreement is reached, not detaining the perpetrators, continuing to determine suspects, considering certain aspects for mediation, decided to reconcile between the victim and the perpetrator, the considerations of the Makassar Polrestabes Police Investigators in the process of resolving Domestic Violence Cases through a restorative justice approach focused not on law enforcement but on the values of benefit and justice as the basis for the needs or interests of the victims. parties to find a solution, as well as avoid a lengthy criminal justice process.


Keywords: restorative justice; Violence; Household


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