The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Diversion by the Public Prosecutor in Child Cases


  • Ilham Abbas Indonesian Muslim University
  • Askari Razak Indonesian Muslim University
  • Syakaria Syakaria Indonesian Muslim University



The study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of diversion by the public prosecutor in child cases at the Mamuju District Attorney, and 2). To find out and analyze the factors that influence the implementation of diversion by the public prosecutor in child cases at the Mamuju District Attorney. This type of research is empirical juridical. Research results in the authors find that: 1). The effectiveness of the implementation of diversion by the public prosecutor against child cases at the Mamuju State Prosecutor's Office, is not running effectively due to a lack of professionalism by the Public Prosecutor (Child Prosecutor) who has experience in handling child cases at the Mamuju State Attorney's Office so that the Public Prosecutor has difficulty considering rights in the process diversion at the Mamuju District Attorney level. 2). Factors that influence the implementation of diversion by the public prosecutor in child cases at the Mamuju District Attorney are; substance, structure, and legal culture. Of these

three factors, the most influential is the legal structure itself.


Keywords: Diversion; Prosecutor, Son



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