Optimization of Law Enforcement of Criminal Acts of Obscenity Against Children
This research aims to analyze the Optimization of Law Enforcement of Criminal Acts of Obscenity Against Children in the Legal Area of the Tana Toraja District Attorney's Office in Rantepao. The research method is juridical-empirical legal research. The results of the research are that the process of implementing law enforcement against the criminal act of child abuse committed by the Tana Toraja district attorney in rantepao is by the duties and powers of the Attorney General's Office, that the prosecutor's office has the following duties and authorities: Carry out prosecutions, Carry out judge decisions and court decisions that have obtained permanent legal force, Supervise the implementation of conditional criminal decisions, criminal supervision decisions, and parole decisions and Conduct investigations of certain criminal acts based on law. Factors that influence the investigation of the crime of persecution include Internal Factors, namely Adequate Law Substance, Instructions from superiors, Factors of investigators, Facility Factors and External Factors, namely the cost of a post mortem which is relatively expensive, Constraints in limited time, Support from Suspect's Legal Counsel, Cultural Factors.
Keywords: Law enforcement; Fornication; Child
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