Legal Protection For Public Reporting Narcotics Criminal Acts In Accordance With Articles 99 And 100 Of Law Number 35 Of 2009 Concerning Narcotics And Criminal Threats For Consent Of Narcotics Criminal Action From Reconstruction Article 131 Of Narcotics Law Number 35 Of 2009.


  • Hilman Himawan Universitas Borobudur Indonesia



Reporting Against Narcotics Offenders is the responsibility of all levels of society to support the eradication of narcotics crimes in accordance with the mandate of law number 35 of 2009, the ABSTRACT State is obliged to provide Legal Protection for layers of Society who carry out the obligation to report Narcotics Offenders according to Article 99 and 100 law number 35 of 2009 and the Obligation to Report Narcotics Addicts according to Government Regulation No. 25 of 2011, the State will provide strict sanctions for people who tolerate perpetrators of narcotics abuse in accordance with the reconstruction of Article 131 concerning Narcotics which is the legal umbrella or legality of punishment for anyone who knows and does not report the existence of a criminal event, but the explanation in this article still has unclear norms that have not been explained regarding the category of omission in the future which can lead to multiple interpretations. The research method used in this scientific work is the normative method. A person who does not report a criminal incident in the Criminal Code is explained as a deliberate intention to neglect his obligations as stipulated in the Law, which can be said to be omission.

Keywords : Public, Reporting, Criminal, Act.





