The Phenomena Of Crime Of Corruption As An Extraordinary Crime
This article aims to provide an explanation regarding the phenomenon and the application of legal consequences for Corruption Crimes which are classified as Extraordinary Crimes classified, which are caused by the actions of individuals who are more concerned with personal interests and enrich themselves without regard to the interests of the public, the nation and the state, here the level of loss of corruption is not only detrimental to state finances but also has a detrimental impact on all development programs in Indonesia, the quality of education is getting lower and lower, the quality of education is falling. The quality of buildings is getting lower, and poverty is not being handled which is increasingly rampant everywhere. Besides that, this article uses literature research from various text sources which aims to be able to express the opinions of several well-known experts or legal figures related to the phenomenon of Corruption which is increasingly common everywhere.
Keyword : Criminal, Corruption, Law, Extraordinary Crime
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