Antinomy Of Legal Norms Related To Termination Of Employment In The Regime Of Labor Laws And Employment Creation Laws


  • Syahrul Qiram Universitas Borobudur, Indonesia
  • Faisal Santiago Universitas Borobudur, Indonesia



This papers aim to answer two problematic main. First, related to antinomy norm law in termination connection arranged work in regime Constitution employment and Constitution create work. Second, impact enforcement to gift penalty for giver work. Study this is study law normative use approach legislation and approach conceptually. Results show a shift paradigm connection between worker and giver related to termination connection work. This is because direction Policy in the regime Constitution employment leads to the protection of workers. Remember, in the Constitution, employment termination connection work only could do through negotiation Between worker and giver work. Whereas in the regime Constitution creates work that enhances more investment and takes sides on giver work. This could see in provision Change Article 151 of the law regulated employment related termination connection work could be done without existing negotiation, especially formerly Among worker and giver work. So that when occurring negation to termination connection work as arranged in Constitution, the aqua happened deficiency in enforcement law. Constitution creates work more lead on effort criminalization with giving penalty criminal to giver work.


Keywords: Workers, Givers Work,Termination Relationship Work.





