Position of Authority of Acting Regional Head in the Implementation of Regional Government According to Laws and Regulations


  • Dedi Pulungan Universitas Borobudur, Indonesia
  • Zudan Arief Fakrulloh Universitas Borobudur, Indonesia



This paper is entitled The Position of Authority of the Acting Regional Head in the Implementation of Regional Government according to the Prevailing Laws. This writing is caused by the absence of the implementation of regional head sorting in 2022 and 2023, causing boredom for the definitive regional head position. To nominate candidates for regional authorities, the President is appointed provincial head officials for governors, and the Ministry of Home Affairs is established for regents and mayors. This article is in question: First, what is the position of the authority of the acting regional head in statutory regulations? Second, what is the power of the interim regional director in drafting and submitting draft regional regulations on APBD, drafting regional rules on changes to APBD, and drafting regional regulations concerning accountability for APBD implementation to DPRD? To discuss this problem, the author uses a normative legal research method or a literature study that examines the norms in the legislation, then proposes theories relevant to the problem being researched. The results obtained from the research and discussion of this research are as follows: First, from the perspective of the legal system, the substance of the circular letter of the Ministry of Home Affairs regarding the granting of authority to regional head officials causes conflicts of legal norms with other laws and regulations, in particular, government regulation number 49 the year 2008 in conjunction with Article 65 of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government. Second, regional head officials do not have the power to decide on changes to the provincial budget perceptual budget plan. And does not have the authority to accountability of the acting regional head to the regional revenue and expenditure budget to the regional people's representative council.

Keywords: Authority, Acting Regional Head, Budgeting





