The Urgency of The Harmonizing Between The Customary Law and Globalization in The Advancement of Technology


  • Dike Aulia Nabila Student of Law Faculty of Pamulang University, South Tangerang City, Indonesia
  • Firdanisa Fitriani Yohana Student of Law Faculty of Pamulang University, South Tangerang City, Indonesia



The laws of customary were dynamic, altering with the development of The Times so that they would modify its society's thinking, knowledge, and judicial way. In these times of globalization, the rapid enhancement of technology makes traditional laws in Indonesia wane as they pursue a new, more open, modern, and rational culture. However, in most instances, the existence of tribal laws in every country is urgently required as a nation's identity. As the UN declared the rights of indigenous people, which states, among other things, that international Law acknowledges and reaffirms indigenous people recognized, without distinction, all human rights recognized in international Law and that indigenous peoples have a necessary collective right in their lives and existence and the development of whole societies. As Indonesians, we must maintain the existence of customary laws in the age of globalization in such ways as preserving local wisdom in every region and using social media to preserve the culture and fundamental roles of villages and indigenous heads. Tribal laws also have intrinsic interests in the future, one of which is consumed local prudence; As we know, the future of nature will be distorted through technology, and the laws of customary will ensure the integrity of nature in the future. Nevertheless, will the tribal law still safeguard its future existence?


Keywords: The Customary Law, Local Wisdom, Globalization, Modernization





