Removal Of Halal Label Due To Indonesia Defeated From Brazil At World Trade Organization


  • Nur Sa’adah Lecturer of Law Faculty of Pamulang University, South Tangerang City, Indonesia
  • Guntarto Widodo Lecturer of Law Faculty of Pamulang University, South Tangerang City, Indonesia
  • Reni Suryani Lecturer of Law Faculty of Pamulang University, South Tangerang City, Indonesia



This research discusses the abolition of the halal label obligation on imported products against the halal certification policy. In the new Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag), Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) Number 29 of 2019 concerning Provisions for the Export and Import of Animals and Animal Products, has invalidated Article 16 of the Minister of Trade Number 59 of 2016 which states that imported animal products must be labeled on the packaging. The provisions of the World Trade Organization or WTO have caused the Indonesian government to change new rules, namely by removing the requirement to include the word halal label. The new rule is the Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag) Number 29 of 2019 concerning Provisions for the Export and Import of Animals and Animal Products. The Ministry of Trade stated that the purpose of the renewal of the rules was as a form of Indonesia's compliance with the WTO because Indonesia lost in the dispute resolution with Brazil in the trade case number DS484. This study discusses how the consequences of the abolition of the halal label have been set forth in the Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag) Number 29 of 2019 for Indonesia and other countries. The research method uses a normative juridical approach by taking secondary data through library research. Secondary data analyzed and evaluated in the form of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. By not continuing to heed the provisions of the WTO, the Indonesian government should pay attention to its people, who are predominantly Muslim, in this case the certainty of halal or not the products consumed.


Keywords: Halal Label, WTO, Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag).





