Execution Of Court Rulings From The Perspective Of Islamic Justice


  • Ema Farida Bandung Islamic University
  • Toto Tohir Suriaatmadja Bandung Islamic University
  • Rini Irianti Sundary Bandung Islamic University


execution of court decisions, Islamic justice, Islamic law


This research examines the execution of court decisions from the perspective of Islamic justice, with the aim of understanding how the principles of Islamic justice are applied in the modern justice system. Using qualitative research methods with a normative and juridical approach, this research analyzes various sources of Islamic law, including the Al-Qur'an, Hadith, and the opinions of ulama, to evaluate the suitability of the practice of executing court decisions in Indonesia with the values of justice in Islam. Research findings show that the execution of court decisions must reflect the principles of justice, expediency and legal certainty, as regulated in Islamic law. In addition, the implementation of the execution of decisions must consider aspects of humanity and propriety to achieve the ultimate goal of law in Islam, namely substantive justice. This research recommends reforms in the mechanism for executing court decisions so that they are more harmonious with the principles of Islamic justice, which include increasing transparency, accountability and protecting the rights of the parties involved.


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