Legal Renewal On Internal Legal Protection Freedom To Express Opinions From A Public Perspective Legal State In Indonesia


  • Edi Sofwan Jayabaya University
  • Abdul Latif Jayabaya University
  • Mulyono Jayabaya University


Renewal, Protection, Freedom, Country, Law


Freedom to convey opinion is a right everyone is guaranteed in the constitution and laws, freedom conveys opinion in advance general aim as function control to the government. Which can done in a way written or in a way oral in advance general. Freedom to convey opinion is a characteristic of the rule of law. However, in practice, freedom conveys opinion in advance general Not yet in line with The rules there, still happens problem in enforcement law, so enforcement law in freedom conveys opinion in advance general throughout history in an incident resulting demonstration​ the emergence of good victims verbal violence, injuries, and deaths are not once finished. The method used​ is to study law normative with an approach study legislation data analysis from incident demonstration linked with enforcement law in conveying opinion in advance general. The results of the research show that enforcement law is not yet maximum, especially for the victims of incident demonstrations. There is a solution in a way law until complete and necessary exists the ideal concept of formation of new rules​, especially enforcement laws, and restrictions set time​ in the Constitution


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