Initiating the Family Justice System in Indonesia as Part of the Indonesian Legal System


  • Halimah Humayrah Tuanaya Bandung Islamic University


Family Law, Family Court, Divorce, Domestic Violence


The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that in 2023, as many as 463,654 divorce cases occurred in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the Religious Justice Agency pointed out that the majority of causes of divorce are Domestic Violence (KDRT). Unfortunately, the Religious Court does not have the authority to adjudicate domestic violence experienced by (the majority) of women who are in the process of divorce at the Religious Court. Women must take two paths: the Religious Court for their cases and the District Court for the domestic violence they experience. Likewise, for Non-Muslims, divorce is adjudicated by the District Court and is included in the scope of Civil. In contrast, the domestic violence experienced by them is included in the criminal scope even though it is still in the same court, namely the District Court. The complexity of the judicial system in Indonesia requires a new court institution, namely the family court.


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