Analysis of Content Actions of Creators Who Cover Songs on The Youtube Platform Reviewed from Law Number 28 of 2014 Concerning Copyright


  • M. Akbar Universitas Pamulang
  • Risky Amelia Universitas Pamulang


Cover, Legal protection, Copyright.


In this study entitled Analysis of the Actions of Content Creators Covering Songs on the Youtube Platform in Review from the point of view of Law Number 28 of 2014 Regarding Copyright. In this research, there is a royalty arrangement related to covering songs, where every activity related to covering songs must have permission to cover songs to other parties, especially songwriters or song owners themselves. The goal and purpose of this research is for Content Creators to understand how important a licence is for the act of covering songs. In doing song cover activities, the content creator sings the song again by imitating the original singer or another word known as covering the song, there are also content creators singing with their own distinctive voices. Where in this research method using normative research which in this research is carried out by examining the legislation that has been established.



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