The Risk of Narcotich Abuse in Adolescents Is Seen From Gender, Residence Status and Parental Status


  • Selviana Afriza Universitas Pamulang
  • Bima Guntara Universitas Pamulang


Abuse, Delinquency, Narcotics


The problem of drugs in Indonesia is still something that is urgent and complex. In the last decade this problem has become widespread. It is proven by the significant increase in the number of drug abusers or addicts, along with the increasing disclosure of drug crime cases, which are increasingly diverse in pattern and the more massive the syndicate network is. Indonesian people, even the world community, in general are currently faced with a very worrying situation due to the widespread use of various types of illegal drugs. This concern is further sharpened due to the rampant illicit trafficking of narcotics which has spread to all levels of society, including the younger generation. This will greatly affect the life of the nation and state in the future. The behavior of some teenagers who have clearly ignored the values of the rules and norms and laws that apply in the midst of people's lives is one of the causes of the rampant use of drugs among the younger generation. In everyday life in the midst of society there are still many teenagers who still do drug abuse. Drug abuse among adolescents is an act that is not in accordance with social norms and values that apply in society. Deviance occurs when a person or group of people does not comply with the norms or standards and values that already apply in society. The causes of drug abuse are internal and external factors.



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"LSD, Kertas Si Pembuat Halusinasi 10 Jam" LSD, Kertas Si Pembuat Halusinasi 10 Jam - ( di akses pada 00.45 WIB, 21 September 2022

Sumber: diakses pada 01.27 WIB 21 September 2022, diakses pada 02.04 WIB, 21 September 2022

Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia 1945


