The Principle of Termination in Employment Contract: A Comprehensive Analysis of Indonesia Labour Law


  • Mohamad Fandrian Adhistianto Student of Doctoral Program Faculty of Law Bandung Islamic University
  • Neni Sri Imaniyati Faculty of Law Bandung Islamic University
  • Rini Irianti Sundary Faculty of Law Bandung Islamic University


Principles, Termination, Labour Law


This research aims to analyze the development of principles in the termination of employment relations that exist in the legislation regarding employment in Indonesia, and its impact on the legal protection of the right to job security for workers. The legal research method in this research is normative research using a historical approach to analyze the development of the principles of employment termination in the history of the existence of labor law in Indonesia starting from post-independence Indonesia, and explain how these developments affect legal protection for workers. The results of this study show that during the period of the enactment of the Civil Code at the beginning of Indonesian independence, there was no role of the state in regulating the principles of employment relations as a form of legal protection for workers. The development of the principles of employment termination guaranteed by the state began during the socialization process of labor law and is seen in the enactment of the Labor Law, the Labor Dispute Resolution Law, the Law on Termination of Employment in Private Companies, up to the Employment Law. The latest development seen in the enactment of the Job Creation Law has significantly degraded the application of the principles of employment termination and resulted in reduced legal protection for workers


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