Measuring the Importance of Material Testing of Legislation in Indonesia


  • Sulistyowati Lecturer the Faculty of Law National University
  • Dewi Nadya Maharani Student the Faculty of Law Borobudur University
  • Gusti Bintang Maharaja Student of National Development University" Veteran " Jakarta
  • Agnes Melania Carnely Kahe 4Student the Faculty of Law National University


Law, Procedural Law, Right Of Trial


Indonesia adheres to the continental European legal system. One of its features is codified law. If it is considered contrary, material testing can be carried out. Judicial review can be conducted in the Constitutional Court if the law contradicts the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945. Test the material in the Supreme Court if the regulation of its position under the law is contrary to the law. About any legislation under the order of legislation consisting of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1945, the provisions of the People's Consultative Assembly, laws/government regulations in lieu of legislation, government regulations, presidential regulations, provincial regulations, Perda Regency/City. Legal standing must be met to conduct trials both in the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court, one of which is if the constitutional rights are harmed. The procedural law applicable in testing laws in the Constitutional Court is in accordance with the rules of the Constitutional Court. As is known, all authorities in the Constitutional Court have their procedural laws made internally in the form of Constitutional Court regulations for all authorities. Related to the right of judicial review in the Constitutional Court is the Constitutional Court Regulation No. 2 of 2021 on the procedure for proceeding in cases and testing the law in the Supreme Court in the form of Supreme Court Regulation No. 1 of 2011 on the right of judicial review. Judicial review in the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court is carried out to maintain the supremacy of the Constitution, strengthen legal consistency, develop laws, and increase public confidence. The method in this study is juridical-normative.


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Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2011 Tentang Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan.


