Legal Protection Against Crime Victims Cyber Crime in Indonesia


  • Susanto Lecturer of Law Faculty of Pamulang University
  • Fridayani Lecturer of Law Faculty of Pamulang University
  • Andi Irawan Student of Law Faculty of Pamulang University


Assurance Law, Victims, Cybercrime


The advancement of data innovation nowadays brings a gigantic affect for the social life of the communitythe quick improvement of get to between districts driven to a really contract and without being constrained by space and time As a result of the development of the data innovation isn't continuously a positive affect on human life innovation clients this advancement is additionally went with by the improvement of the wrongdoing is known as cybercrime or cyber wrongdoing. Wrongdoing in the internet happen due to the negative impact of mechanical advancements different modes of violations that happened within the virtual world influence to human life in the genuine worldAs the state government's lawful commitment to secure every citizen of the activities that could harm the rights of its citizensone of which could be a wrongdoing that happens within the virtual world that frequently result in fabric and non-misfortunes for its usersIn tending to these issues the government has ordered Law No. 11 Year 2008 on Data and Electronic Exchanges. With the ITE Law is anticipated to supply lawful assurance for individuals who utilize the innovation and can give a sense of security for those who utilize data innovation in exercises in the internet


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