Socialization Of The Impact Of Sexual Harassment On Madrasah Aliyah


  • Ahaddin Islami Student of Law Faculty of Pamulang University
  • Yulia Rubia Yanti Student of Law Faculty of Pamulang University


Verbal sexual harassment, psychological impact, social impact, awareness, victim support


Tax laws are a set of rules governing rights and obligations and relationships between taxpayers and the government as tax collectors. Taxes are enforced in almost everything countries in the world as the main source of state revenue. Taxes are held for the sake of sustainability country life. In Indonesia, taxes actually have 4 functions, namely the budget function, regulatory function, stability function, and income redistribution function.. The people as tax subjects are charged with the obligation to pay taxes accordingly with the conditions that apply. If it violates the provisions of the tax law, it can be terminated to acts against civil law or acts against criminal law. Verbal sexual harassment, a pervasive issue in modern society, involves unwanted sexual comments or advances directed at someone in public or private. Often disguised as jokes or humor, it can inflict psychological trauma and negatively impact victims. This study explores the definition and legal aspects of verbal sexual harassment, along with its social implications. It categorizes the different levels of sexual harassment and examines factors contributing to its occurrence among children. The analysis highlights the negative psychological and social impacts experienced by victims. Finally, the paper emphasizes the need for increased awareness, support for victims, and a societal shift away from victim blaming and normalizing verbal abuse.


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