Crime Phenomenon from the Perspective of Criminological Theories


  • Yustina Miming Pamulang University
  • Bambang Rudi Fitriyanto
  • Febriyanti Dhone Pamulang University


Phenomenon, Crime, Criminology


The increase in crime in Indonesia every year is a special concern that is becoming more and more concerned every day, which continues to grow and gives rise to many types of crime such as murder, sexual violence, embezzlement, and many other types of crimes. This is due to the pattern of social life in society which continues to experience development and improvement due to the pattern of social life in society which continues to experience changes and differs from one place to another and also differs from one particular time period or epoch to another. so that there are various forms of crime and deviation which also experience development and improvement in seeing and understanding the problems that exist in society. The method used in this research is normative legal research which emphasizes research on criminological legal literature and applicable legislation regarding the basics of criminology and theories of evidence. Criminology is a science that studies crime. Etymologically, criminology comes from the words "Crime" which means crime and "logos" which means knowledge or science, so that criminology is the science of crime or criminals. Crime according to criminology experts generally means human behavior that violates norms (criminal law), is detrimental, annoying, causes victims, so it cannot be tolerated. Meanwhile, criminology pays attention to crime. The theories that cause crime are Biological Theory, Psychogenesis Theory, Sociogenic Theory, Subcultural Theory of Delinquency.


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