Basic Principles Of Dispute Resolution Of Election Results As A Manifestation Of A Democratic State


  • Celvin Pratama Panpel Pamulang University
  • Panca Dirgantara Pamulang University
  • Aji Gilang Ferdiansah Pamulang University


Dispute Settlement Elections, State Constitutional Democracy


Every country in the world, moreover in every country which has implemented the way of life of democcratic and nation, presume that election is one of the important element as a marker of democracy of the country and also has a practical function of government political as a succession’s tool between the government parties and the oposition parties. In every democratic constitutional state, the election process has a purpose to embody will of the people into pattern of power without violence.

The election process will not only be assessed by sticking to the existing legal framework but the laws, codes of conduct of the election and its implementation needs to be tested and adjusted if it is in accordance with its primary purpose or not without ignoring the rights of individuals or people. In the process of the general election, the election process does not always run smoothly. Various obstacles in the implementation of good elections that occurred both during and previous election, is a problem that certainly would have widely spread impact if not immediately resolved. The existence of problems in the election related to dissatisfaction of decision of the election or criminal violations and administrative which can influence the result of election is commonly known by electoral disputes. In order the election dispute does not disturb the constitutional system or system of government of a country or region, it requires an electoral dispute resolution mechanisms that effective and can give a fair decision to the parties.



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