Corruption As An Extraordinary Crime: Conceptual Analysis And Legal Implications


  • Edelberti Risda Yanti Hasni Pamulang University
  • Darliana Zebua Pamulang University
  • Rifdah Adisty Pamulang University


Corruption as an Extraordinary Crime, Conceptual Analysis, Legal Implications


Corruption has become a disturbing phenomenon throughout the world, causing detrimental social, economic and political impacts. In legal and criminological literature, it is often categorized as an extraordinary crime due to its destructive and pervasive nature. This paper aims to provide a conceptual analysis of corruption as an extraordinary crime, by examining its characteristics, root causes and impacts in a social and economic context.This study will highlight factors that strengthen corruption, such as weaknesses in the legal system, lack of transparency, and a culture of tolerance for corrupt behavior. Apart from that, it will also discuss the impact of corruption on economic development, inequality and political stability in a country.Then, this article will explore various law enforcement strategies that can be implemented to overcome corruption, including strengthening anti-corruption institutions, increasing transparency, and providing strict sanctions for perpetrators of corruption. The legal implications of treating corruption as an extraordinary crime will also be discussed, including in terms of investigation, prosecution and punishment procedures.Through an in-depth analysis of corruption as an extraordinary crime, it is hoped that this article can provide valuable insights for policy makers, legal practitioners and academics in their efforts to fight corruption and build a social order that is more just and has integrity


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