Implementation Of Restorative Justice Principles In The Criminal Justice System In Indonesia


  • Chandra Jakaria Pamulang University
  • Ogy Fajar Uzy


Restorative justice, Criminal Justice System, Implementation of Law


In the practice of criminal law enforcement, we often hear the term Restorative Justice, or Restorasi Justice which is translated into Indonesian as restorative justice. Restorative justice means that a restoration of relationships and redemption of mistakes that the perpetrator of a crime (his family) wants to do to the victim of the crime (peace efforts) outside the court with the intention and purpose that the legal problems that arise as a result of the crime can be resolved properly by reaching an agreement and agreement between the parties. The purpose of this study is to explore the legal regulations related to restorative justice in the criminal law system in Indonesia and the application of restorative justice in the criminal law system in Indonesia. The method used in this study is normative legal research, namely the research process to research and examine law as norms, rules, legal principles, legal principles, legal doctrines, legal theories and other literature to answer the legal problems being studied. The approach in this study is the statute approach, namely this approach is carried out by examining all laws and regulations related to the legal issues being discussed (studied).


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