Criminal Actions Against Civil Legal Position In Tax Law


  • Andika Adi Prasteyo Pamulang University
  • Rara Regina Effendi Pamulang University


tax law, civil law, criminal law


Two different concepts in tax law are the civil legal position and the criminal actions that can be applied to tax violations. Criminal offenses are legal consequences that can be used against individuals found guilty of illegal acts, such as tax evasion. Criminal offenses may include criminal prosecution, fines, or other forms of punishment provided for by law or government regulations. For example, in the United States, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) can seek fines and other sanctions against individuals who do not report their income or refuse to report it. In contrast, civil law refers to the legal rights and obligations that can be enforced against individuals found guilty of illegal acts, such as tax evasion. Civil law positions may include claims for damages, relief, or other forms of compensation regulated by law or government regulations. 


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