Fulfilling Patients' Rights in Health Services in The Hospital Based on Legal Protection Aspects


  • Cici Rifla Faculty of law Bandung Islam University
  • M Husni Syam Faculty of law Bandung Islam University


Patient Rights, Health Services, Hospitals, Legal Protection


Health services are part of human rights, so it is important for the state to protect, respect and fulfill the rights of every individual to obtain adequate health services. Highlights the problem of accessibility to health services in Indonesia, especially in remote areas or with high levels of poverty. There is a need for policies that ensure that all citizens have equal access to quality health services. Legal protection is to provide protection for human rights that are harmed by other people. The writing method used by the author is a normative juridical method where the researcher will study the main issues according to the scope and identify the problem based on the main legal material by examining legal principles, concepts and theories as well as statutory regulations. Health service facilities, in this case hospitals, are responsible for providing complete health services to all patients. In fulfilling patients' rights, hospitals must be cooperative, professional, transparent and of course affordable


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