The Paradigm of The Principles of Legality in Indonesian Criminal Law is Reviewed From Law Number 1 Of 2023 Concerning the Criminal Law Book


  • Bima Guntara Universitas Islam Bandung
  • Nandang Sambas Universitas Islam Bandung
  • Oksidelfa Yanto Universitas Pamulang


Criminal Law, Principles of Legality, Criminal Law Books


Criminal law that adheres to the basic principle of the principle of legality as the basis for imposing a crime as embodied in Article 1 paragraph (1) of Law Number 1 of 2023 of the Criminal Code (New Criminal Code). The expansion of the meaning of the principle of legality can be seen in Article 2 of the new Criminal Code, namely that a person can be prosecuted and punished based on the laws that exist in society (living law) even though their actions are not prohibited by law. This change is aimed at integrating living law as an instrument in achieving substantive justice in Indonesia. This research will examine the application of the principle of legality in Indonesian criminal law and the legal formulation that lives in society in the new Criminal Code. This research uses normative juridical methods and a conceptual approach which is carried out by elaborating on statutory regulations related to living law using concepts, theories and doctrines that have developed in contemporary criminal law scholarship to produce a synthesis that shows the correlation and relevance of these regulations. towards the goal of substantive criminal law reform. The research results show that the Legality Principle is a principle where a criminal act can only be punished if there are regulations that regulate it before the criminal act occurs. The principle of legality was chosen as a perspective because it is the main pillar in the modern criminal law system which guarantees legal certainty. Apart from that, the living legal formulation in the Criminal Code is in accordance with the concept of the principle of legality, which is demonstrated through the process of institutionalization and normatization of customary law in the form of regional regulations. The mechanism for institutionalizing customary law attributed to the National Criminal Code in Government Regulations makes customary law a source of certain norms, but has its own law enforcement procedures carried out by customary law communities.


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