The Influence of Students' Perceptions About Online Learning on Learning Outcomes of Class XI Students in Entrepreneurship Subjects at Sumpah Pemuda Vocational School


  • Syiva Lutfiyah Universitas Pamulang
  • Nasmal Hamda Universitas Pamulang


Student perception, online learning, learning outcomes.


This study was created to determine the effect of students' perceptions of online learning on student learning outcomes in class XI entrepreneurship subjects at  Sumpah Pemuda Vocational School, West Jakarta. The research design used is quantitative, where student perception is the independent variable and student learning outcomes in entrepreneurship subjects are the dependent variable. There were 130 student populations studied, but only 98 were sampled using random sampling technique. Based on the results of the calculation of the T-test of the influence of students' perceptions, the coefficient value is 0.244 and it can be seen that the Tcount is 2.462. While T table is calculated by the formula a/2 (0.05:2 = 0.025), n-k-1 (98-1-1) = 96 for that Ttable value is 1.984 with a sig value of 0.016 (0.016 <0.05). So it can be concluded that H1 is accepted, which means that there is an influence of students' perceptions about online learning on student learning outcomes in class XI of entrepreneurship subjects at the Sumpah Pemuda Vocational School, West Jakarta.


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How to Cite

Lutfiyah, S., & Hamda, N. (2022). The Influence of Students’ Perceptions About Online Learning on Learning Outcomes of Class XI Students in Entrepreneurship Subjects at Sumpah Pemuda Vocational School. International Journal of Economics Education Research (IJEER), 1(1). Retrieved from