Analysis of The Learning Independence on Economic Learning Outcomes in Class X at PGRI Vocational School 3 Depok


  • Iin Solihah Universitas Pamulang
  • Candra Abdillah Universitas Pamulang


learning independence, learning outcomes, economy


This study aims to analyze the effect of independent learning on student learning outcomes in economics class X at SMK PGRI 3 Depok. The research approach is quantitative research using association methodology. The independent variable of the study was learning independence, while the dependent variable of the study was student learning outcomes. The population in this study were students of class X1 and class X2 at SMK PGRI 3 Depok majoring in marketing, amounting to 46 students. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling with a total of 42 students. Collecting data using observation, questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis technique used prerequisite test (normality test and linearity test) and simple regression analysis test. The results of this study indicate that: 1) There is a significant influence between learning independence on learning outcomes, with a probability value seen from the significance value of 0.000 <0.05, the large influence of learning independence on learning outcomes is 79.1% and a simple linear regression equation as follows: Y = 35,706 + 1,140 X1. So it can be concluded that learning independence has a major influence on student learning outcomes in Economics subjects.


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How to Cite

Solihah, I., & Abdillah, C. (2022). Analysis of The Learning Independence on Economic Learning Outcomes in Class X at PGRI Vocational School 3 Depok. International Journal of Economics Education Research (IJEER), 2(1). Retrieved from