The Influence Of Self-Efficacy On The Professional Commitment Of Pamulang University FKIP Lecturer


  • Soffi Sofiatun Pamulang University
  • Saiful Anwar Pamulang University
  • Fiqoh Afriliani Pamulang University


Self-Efficacy, Professional Commitment, Lecturer


The main problem in this research is the varying commitment of lecturers to the profession which can be seen from the fact that the majority of lecturers still have the functional position of expert assistant. The aim of this research is to see the influence of self-efficacy on commitment to the professional lecturers at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. The research method used is quantitative with regression analysis and optimizing quantitative descriptive findings using the SITOREM concept. based on research results obtained research results there is an effect of self-efficacy on lecturer professional commitment. Based on the results of SITOREM, it was found that the four indicators of self-efficacy indicators that need to be improved are (performance exposure, self-instructed performance, attribution, and relaxation biofeedback) to be able to increase the commitment of the teaching profession.


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How to Cite

Sofiatun, S., Anwar, S., & Afriliani, F. (2023). The Influence Of Self-Efficacy On The Professional Commitment Of Pamulang University FKIP Lecturer. International Journal of Economics Education Research (IJEER), 4(2). Retrieved from