The Effectiveness Of The STAD Type Cooperative Learning Model Assisted By Powerpoint Media On The Economic Learning Outcomes Of Class XI Students


  • Siti Chamalia Putri Pamulang University
  • Candra Abdillah


STAD Type Cooperative, and Economics Learning Outcomes


This research aims to: 1) Knowing the average learning outcomes of class XI students after being taught using the STAD Type Cooperative learning model assisted by powerpoint media is the same as the KKM of 75% 2) Knowing the classical completeness in the economics learning outcomes of class XI student with the STAD Type Cooperative learning model assisted by powerpoint media is the same as the KKM of 75% 3) Knowing the significant difference between the results of learning economics classThe The research approach used is a quantitative approach with a Quasi Experimental Non Equivalent Control Group Design methodology. The population in this study was students in class XI IPS, totaling 168 students with a sample size of 60 students. The sampling technique of taking samples using Random Sampling technique uses the cluster Sampling Technique. Data collection techniques using test before participating in learning. Data analysis techniques use descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.The results of the study can be concluded that (1) There is an average learning achievement in class XI Experimental economics is 86.30. (2) There is classical completeness of the observed prop KKM value exceeding 75% by 0.87, namely 87% and not KKM less than 75% by 0.13, namely 13%. (3) There are significant differences in the results of learning economics in the control class and the experimental class. The control class obtained data of 60 while the experimental class obtained data of 86.30.


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How to Cite

Putri, S. C., & Abdillah, C. (2023). The Effectiveness Of The STAD Type Cooperative Learning Model Assisted By Powerpoint Media On The Economic Learning Outcomes Of Class XI Students. International Journal of Economics Education Research (IJEER), 4(2). Retrieved from