The Influence of Peer Associations and Learning Independence on the Economics Learning Outcomes of Class X High School Students


  • Iin Safinah Pamulang University
  • Candra Abdillah Pamulang University


Peer Associations, Learning Independence, and Learning Results


This research aims to: 1) Find out the influence of peer interactions on student learning outcomes in class X economics subjects at SMA PGRI Teluknaga 2) Knowing the effect of independent learning on student learning outcomes in class Knowing the effect of peer association and independent learning simultaneously on student learning outcomes in class X economics at SMA PGRI Teluknaga. The research approach used is a quantitative approach with Association methodology. The population in this study were students in class X IPS SMA PGRI Teluknaga totaling 85 students with a sample size of 70 students. The technique of taking samples using Random Sampling technique. The number of samples in this study was determined using the Slovin formula. Data collection techniques by way of observation, questionnaires, and documentation. The data used is Simple Linear Regression and Multiple Linear Regression. The results of the study can be concluded that (1) There is an influence of peer association on learning outcomes, namely 19.3% and 80.7% influenced by other factors. (2) There is an influence of learning independence on learning outcomes, namely 17.4% and 82.6% is influenced by other factors. (3) The simultaneous influence of peer interaction and learning independence on learning outcomes is 31.6% and 68.4% is influenced by other factors.


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