The Role Of The Gatera State Servants Cooperative In Improving The Economic Welfare Of Members In Bantarkawung District


  • Niken Azmi Sagita Pamulang University


The Role of the Gatera Civil Servant Cooperative in Improving the Economy of Members in Bantarkawung Distric


servant cooperative in the Bantarkawung sub-district, to find out the constraints that occur in the gatera civil servant cooperative in the Bantarkawung sub-district, to find out the strategy of the gatera civil servant cooperative to improve the economic welfare of members of the gatera civil servant cooperative. In Bantarkawung sub-district. This type of research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The subjects of this research are members and administrators of the Gatera civil servant cooperative. There were 5 people consisting of 3 informants and 2 key informants. The techniques used to collect information are observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. Meanwhile, the data analysis used is data collection, data reduction and data categories, data display, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that the role of the gatera civil servant cooperative in improving the economic welfare of members can be seen from the benefits of the gatera civil servant cooperative for the economic welfare of members obtained from two fields, namely savings and loan units, and shops. Furthermore, the obstacles faced by the gatera civil servant cooperative are bad loans, loans with other banks, goods that have fast expatriate times, installments at shops, the distance of the cooperative from members, and no obstacles. Then, the strategies used by the Gatera civil servant cooperative for the economic welfare of members are management policies for the economic welfare of KPN members, strategies for recruiting KPN Gatera members, marketing strategies for KPN Gatera, policies for applying for member loans to KPN Gatera , special strategies for the economic welfare of KPN Gatera members


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How to Cite

Sagita, N. A. (2023). The Role Of The Gatera State Servants Cooperative In Improving The Economic Welfare Of Members In Bantarkawung District. International Journal of Economics Education Research (IJEER), 4(2). Retrieved from