Behavioral Analysis of Micro Business Consumption Patterns (Case Study of Grocery Vendors) in the RT 003 RW 004 Sawah Lama Village, Ciputat District
Consumption Pattern Behavior, Micro Enterprises, (Case Study of Grocery Traders)Abstract
This research aims to look at the consumption patterns of basic food traders in the RT 003 RW 004 environment, whether looking at food (staple food, snacks/snacks, tobacco) or non-food (entertainment, transport, fashion, communication, home and home facilities, education, health). The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. The subjects in this study were 5 informants (Mrs. Nurhayana, Mrs. Wati, Mrs. Kutis, Mrs. Faridha, Mrs. Danhis) and there were 5 key informants (Mr. Dedi, Mr. Ashari, Mr. Suparman, Mr. Ali, Mr. Hendi) who were local grocery traders. in the neighborhood of RT 003 RW 004, Sawah Lama sub-district, Ciputat sub-district. Data analysis techniques in this research use data collection techniques (observation, interviews, documentation), triangulation (data source triangulation, technique triangulation, method triangulation), data reduction (simplifying the results of surveys, interviews, securing in complex forms) and drawing conclusions . The results of this research show that the consumption pattern behavior of basic food traders in the neighborhood of RT 003 RW 004, Sawah Lama sub-district, Ciputat sub-district shows a rational pattern because the income they receive is greater than the expenditure to meet their daily living needs, whether from food (staple foods, snacks/snacks, tobacco) or non-food (entertainment, transport, fashion, communication, housing and home facilities, education, health). The income received by basic food traders, both from selling basic food products and gifts from their husbands, is in the very high category because the average income is more than 3,500,000. Most of the proceeds from selling basic necessities come from selling rice, gas, sugar and cigarettes. Informants and key informants mostly used their income for basic food needs and transportation.
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