The Impact of Peer Environment and Learning Motivation on Academic Achievement in Social Studies Subjects for Grade VII at SMP PGRI Jatiuwung Tangerang City During the Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Fili Dwi Yuniarty
  • Fika Rahmanita


This study aims to determine (1) the effect of the peer environment on academic achievement
in Social Studies (IPS) in grade VII at SMP PGRI Jati Uwung, Tangerang City during the
Covid-19 pandemic; (2) the effect of learning motivation on academic achievement in Social
Studies (IPS) in grade VII at SMP PGRI Jati Uwung, Tangerang City during the Covid-19
pandemic; and (3) the effect of the peer environment and learning motivation on academic
achievement in Social Studies (IPS) in grade VII at SMP PGRI Jati Uwung, Tangerang City
during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is quantitative in nature. The variables in this
study consist of the dependent variable Academic Achievement (Y), and the independent
variables Peer Environment (X1) and Learning Motivation (X2). The population in this study
consists of 190 grade VII students, with the sample taken using the Slovin formula with an error
level of Alpha 0.05, resulting in 129 respondents. The sampling technique used is simple
random sampling. The data collection techniques include interviews, document analysis,
questionnaires, and documentation. The data quality methods used in this study include validity
and reliability tests. The data analysis methods employed include descriptive analysis,
normality test, linearity test, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, regression analysis (simple
linear regression, multiple linear regression), partial t-test, and simultaneous F-test. The
results of the analysis show that: (1) There is a significant positive effect of the peer
environment on academic achievement, meaning that the better the peer environment, the
better the academic achievement; (2) There is a significant positive effect of learning
motivation on academic achievement, meaning that the better the learning motivation, the
better the academic achievement; (3) There is an effect of the peer environment and learning
motivation on academic achievement in Social Studies (IPS) in grade VII at SMP PGRI Jati
Uwung during the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended
that there should be a good peer environment and an improvement in learning motivation, both
from the students themselves and the teachers, to encourage students to improve their learning
ability and achieve better academic results.




How to Cite

Fili Dwi Yuniarty, & Fika Rahmanita. (2024). The Impact of Peer Environment and Learning Motivation on Academic Achievement in Social Studies Subjects for Grade VII at SMP PGRI Jatiuwung Tangerang City During the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Economics Education Research (IJEER), 5(1), 1–9. Retrieved from