The Relationship Between Mastery of Hard Skill and Job Readiness of Grade XI Students at SMK Islam Al-Fajar Kedaung Pamulang South Tangerang


  • Indri Apriyani
  • Metha Lubis


The objective of this study is to determine the significant relationship between hard skill
mastery and job readiness among Grade XI students at SMK Islam Al-Fajar. This research
employs a quantitative approach with an associative method, involving a population of 102
Grade XI students and a randomly selected sample of 81 individuals. Data collection
techniques include observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The
hypothesis test was conducted using a correlation test. The results of the study indicate that
there is a relationship between hard skill mastery and job readiness. The significance value
(Sig.) for variable X (hard skill mastery) is 0.000, as is the value for variable Y (job
readiness), 0.000, indicating that these two variables are correlated. The nature of the
relationship between the two variables is positive with a very strong correlation level,
evidenced by a value of 0.754.




How to Cite

Indri Apriyani, & Metha Lubis. (2024). The Relationship Between Mastery of Hard Skill and Job Readiness of Grade XI Students at SMK Islam Al-Fajar Kedaung Pamulang South Tangerang. International Journal of Economics Education Research (IJEER), 5(1), 18–26. Retrieved from