The Influence of Learning Interest and Curiosity on the Academic Achievement in Economics of MA Tahdzibun Nufus


  • Aisah Fazrianti
  • Edi Mulyanto


This study aims to: 1) Determine whether there is a significant influence of learning interest
on academic achievement in Economics for students at MA Tahdzibun Nufus; 2) Determine
whether there is a significant influence of curiosity on academic achievement in Economics
for students at MA Tahdzibun Nufus; and 3) Determine whether there is a simultaneous
influence of learning interest and curiosity on academic achievement in Economics for
students at MA Tahdzibun Nufus. This research employs a quantitative approach with an
associative methodology. The population in this study consists of 35 students from grades X
and XI of the social science program at MA Tahdzibun Nufus. The sample for this study
includes 35 students, selected using a non-probability sampling technique, specifically
saturated sampling or census. The data collection techniques used are observation,
interviews, documentation, and questionnaires. The data analysis techniques include simple
linear regression and multiple regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that: 1)
There is a significant influence of learning interest on academic achievement in Economics
for students at MA Tahdzibun Nufus, contributing 56.1% to academic achievement, with the
remaining 43.9% influenced by other factors; 2) There is a significant influence of curiosity
on academic achievement in Economics for students at MA Tahdzibun Nufus, contributing
57.6% to academic achievement, with the remaining 42.4% influenced by other factors; and
3) There is a simultaneous influence of learning interest and curiosity on academic
achievement in Economics for students at MA Tahdzibun Nufus, contributing 70.6% to
academic achievement, with the remaining 29.4% influenced by other factors.




How to Cite

Aisah Fazrianti, & Edi Mulyanto. (2024). The Influence of Learning Interest and Curiosity on the Academic Achievement in Economics of MA Tahdzibun Nufus. International Journal of Economics Education Research (IJEER), 5(1), 27–37. Retrieved from