The Impact of Learning Discipline and Family Environment on Students' Academic Performance in Economics Subject for Grade X at SMA PGRI 22 Serpong


  • Diana Fitri
  • Soffi Soffiatun


This study aims to analyze the impact of Learning Discipline and Family Environment on the
Academic Performance of Class X students in Economics at SMA PGRI 22 Serpong. The
research adopts a quantitative approach with an associative methodology. The population
consists of 89 Class X students, with a sample of 73 students selected through random
sampling. Data was collected using questionnaires and PTS scores. The analysis was
conducted using multiple linear regression techniques. The study findings reveal: 1) Learning
discipline significantly affects academic performance, as indicated by a Tcount of 8.563 >
Ttable 1.994 and a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05. The R-square value of 0.508 shows that
50.8% of academic performance is influenced by learning discipline, while 49.2% is
determined by other unexamined factors; 2) The family environment also significantly affects
academic performance, with a Tcount of 8.991 > Ttable 1.994 and a significance level of
0.000 < 0.05. An R-square value of 0.532 indicates that 53.2% of academic performance is
shaped by the family environment, while 46.8% is influenced by other factors; and 3) Both
learning discipline and the family environment jointly influence academic performance, as
shown by an Fcount of 43.508 > Ftable 3.13 and a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05. The Rsquare value of 0.554 demonstrates that 55.4% of academic performance is determined by
the combination of these two factors, while 44.6% is influenced by other variables.
Keywords: Discipline, Family Environment, Learning Achievement




How to Cite

Diana Fitri, & Soffi Soffiatun. (2025). The Impact of Learning Discipline and Family Environment on Students’ Academic Performance in Economics Subject for Grade X at SMA PGRI 22 Serpong. International Journal of Economics Education Research (IJEER), 5(2), 1–11. Retrieved from