Consumptive Behavior of Contract Employees in the QC (Quality Control) Department of PT Nidec Instruments Bekasi in Online Shopping on Shopee


  • Syifa Ayuningtyas
  • Purwati Yuni Rahayu


This research aims to determine the description, causes and impact of Shopee Online
Shopping Consumptive Behavior on PT QC Department Contract Employees. Nidec
Instruments Bekasi. This type of research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The
subjects of this research consisted of 6 people consisting of 3 key informants, namely contract
employees who worked in the Quality Control Department of PT. Nidec Instruments Bekasi,
and 3 informants. The techniques used to collect information use observation, interview and
documentation techniques. Meanwhile, the data analysis used is data collection, data
reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The positive impact is felt feeling
confident and seen as equal to other people who have the goods they want. And this positive
impact also makes you feel more attractive because you like being the center of attention.
Meanwhile, the negative impact felt is that they tend to become very dependent on continuing
to shop online based on desire, and behave wastefully which makes the perpetrators of
consumptive behavior shop continuously and not think about their finances. And someone
who has consumer behavior tends to be easily seduced by advertisements and immediately
buy goods that are being promoted by online stores.
Keywords: Consumptive Behavior, Online Shopping, Shopee.




How to Cite

Syifa Ayuningtyas, & Purwati Yuni Rahayu. (2025). Consumptive Behavior of Contract Employees in the QC (Quality Control) Department of PT Nidec Instruments Bekasi in Online Shopping on Shopee. International Journal of Economics Education Research (IJEER), 5(2), 12–20. Retrieved from