The Impact of the Cooperative Problem-Based Learning Model in Accounting Lessons Using Audiovisual Learning Media on the Improvement of Learning Achievement of 11th-Grade Accounting Students at SMKN 2 South Tangerang


  • Earsyia Anggraeni
  • Fika Rahmanita


This study seeks to identify: 1) The academic performance of 11th-grade Accounting students
prior to the implementation of the Problem-Based Learning model supported by audiovisual
media; 2) The academic performance of 11th-grade Accounting students following the
application of the Problem-Based Learning model supported by audiovisual media; and 3) The
differences in learning outcomes of 11th-grade Accounting students at SMKN 2 South
Tangerang before and after being taught using the Problem-Based Learning model with
audiovisual media assistance. This study is quasi-experimental research using a Time Series
Design, involving only a pretest and posttest. The research population consists of 504 11thgrade students, with a sample taken from one class, XI AKL 1, consisting of 38 students. The
data for this study was collected through observation, test items, and documentation, while
data analysis involved prerequisite tests and hypothesis testing. The findings reveal that: 1)
The average learning achievement of 11th-grade Accounting students before being taught
using the Problem-Based Learning model with audiovisual media assistance was 70.66, rather
than 75; 2) After implementing the Problem-Based Learning model with audiovisual media
assistance, the average learning achievement increased to 87.89, instead of 75; and 3) There
is a significant difference in the learning achievement of 11th-grade Accounting students at
SMKN 2 South Tangerang before and after applying the Problem-Based Learning model
assisted by audiovisual media.
Keywords: Student Learning Achievement, Audiovisual Media, Problem-Based Learning




How to Cite

Earsyia Anggraeni, & Fika Rahmanita. (2025). The Impact of the Cooperative Problem-Based Learning Model in Accounting Lessons Using Audiovisual Learning Media on the Improvement of Learning Achievement of 11th-Grade Accounting Students at SMKN 2 South Tangerang. International Journal of Economics Education Research (IJEER), 5(2), 33–39. Retrieved from