AKIBAT HUKUM TERHADAP DEBITOR DAN KONSUMEN ATAS PAILITNYA PT. COWELL DEVELOPMENT Tbk ( Analisa Putusan Pengadilan Niaga di PN Jakarta Pusat Nomor : 21/Pdt-Sus-Pailit/2020/PN.Niaga.Jkt.Pst. Tanggal 02 Juli 2020 )


  • Ali Hanif Magister Hukum Universitas Pamulang
  • Djongga Djongga
  • Teguh Setiawan
  • Riandi Pratama MZ


This study analyzes the decision of the judges of the commercial court in central Jakarta district cour No.21/Pdt-Sus-Pailit/2020/PN.Niaga.Jkt.Pst regarding the bankruptcy decision against PT. Cowell Development Tbk. The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the legal consequence for debtors and consumers for the bankruptcy cases that occurred at PT. Cowell Development Tbk. the research method used in the research. This is a normative juridical or doctrinal legal research method (dogmatic). So that in addition to using the normative juridical research method, it also uses a historical research approach, added with a Law approach and a conceptual approach as a research method. In general the legal consequences that occur caused by are on the debtors property which will be confiscated by general, so that from the process of bankruptcy, in this case the most disadvantaged is the consumer because the majority of consumers have not received a Certificate of Ownership on land and only have a Sale and Purchase Binding Agreement and the position of consumers is very weak be cause  they are only creditors concurrent debtors whose positions are under the secessionist and preferred creditors to obtain compensation. that the judge’s consideration in his decision regarding the filing of the Bankruptcy Application is guided by Article 2 of low No. : 37 of 2004 based on the principles of fast, simple, and low-cost justice.

Keywords : Bankruptcy, Debtor, Consumer, Verdict, Commercial court.


“Riwayat Cowell pemilik Atrium Senen yang kini Pailitâ€.( Online ) Money.Kompas.Com (20 Juli 2020).

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Undang-Undang No.37 Tahun 2004 Tentang Kepalilitan dan PKPU


